Determining Formulary Volume for a Third Party

The following procedure assists in obtaining the volume of your generic prescriptions based on Enterprise usage. This procedure works for all pharmacies to determine generic usage, but will be most accurate for those participating in Drug Trading's Enterprise Program.

The following procedure assists in obtaining the volume of your generic prescriptions based on Rexall Formulary usage.

Part 1. Create a Drug Movement report for all generics

  1. Open Propel Rx Reports.

  2. Select Drug Movement.

  3. Select Next.

  4. Enter the report period in the Start Date and End Date fields.

  5. Select the Enterprise checkbox in the Extended Report Criteria.

    Select the Rexall Formulary checkbox in the Extended Report Criteria.

  6. Optional: Select Preview.

  7. Select Print.

Your total Enterprise generic prescription volume for the period is the Number of Rx's Dispensed in the Gross Profit Totals on the last page of the report.

Your total Rexall Formulary generic prescription volume for the period is the Number of Rx's Dispensed in the Gross Profit Totals on the last page of the report.

Part 2. Create a Drug Movement report for a specific Third Party's generics

  1. If you are in the Preview window, select Previous to return to the Criteria tab.

  2. The Start Date and End Date should remain the same. The Enterprise checkbox should still be selected.

    The Start Date and End Date should remain the same. The Rexall Formulary checkbox should still be selected.

  3. Enter the Third Party's name in the Third Party field.

  4. Optional: Select Preview.

  5. Select Print.

The Third Party's Enterprise generic prescription volume of the period is the Number of Rx's Dispensed in the Gross Profit Totals on the last page of the report.

The Third Party's Rexall Formulary generic prescription volume of the period is the Number of Rx's Dispensed in the Gross Profit Totals on the last page of the report.

Part 3. Calculate the totals

To determine the prescription count for all other Third Parties, subtract the Number of Rx's Dispensed on the Third Party's report from the report for all generics.

Third Party's Volume % = (Number of Rx's Dispensed on the TP Report/Number of Rx's Dispensed for All Generics) x 100%

Volume % for all other Third Parties = 100% - Third Party's Volume %